In October,2023:agricultural officialsin Califoria dscovered three Mediterraneanfruit flies , or.Medfieg for short , in the lemert Park neighbornood ol Los AngelesVedfies are one ot the most serious threatstaced by farpere wordwide,The fie laytheir eggs in over 3UÚ kinds of fruits andvegetaples,(Vhen tneeggs hatch,they turn intoworm-like larvae that can ruin the produce.The problem is that it can be dfficult to knovthat the flies are there untl it's too fate, The fruits and vegetables still kok normal eyen aftethe eggs are laid inside. So the damaged frufts and vegetables can be sent to other places.allowing Medflies to spreadThe first Medfly was detected in Califomia in 1975, but it wasn't until between 1980and 1982 that the flies reached outbreak levels, There were doubts about the govemment'sability to control them, Then-governor Jerry Brown authorized a campaign spreading theinsecticide called Malathion to knock out the flies. Califomians claimed that the chemicalbeing spread across their neighborhoods could kill the flies.but surely it could affect theirhealth negatively, The state declared the flies were controlled in 1982. Califomia stopped thecampaign in 1990After the three were discovered1notonergovernment set up a233-squarePnpkilometer special area, This means that no produce ( fruits , nuts .or vegetables)can bemoved out of that area.That may seem extreme ,since only three Medflies were found butIt's really important to get on top of thisexperts believe there're probably more out there.fast or growers would go out of businesssaid one of the expertsLuckily, Califoria has developed a program to control Medflies. The program involvesusing planes to drop millions of male Medflies over the area. All of them have been treated sothat they can't help occasion new Medflies. The males are sterile, which means that eventhough they can mate with female Medflies, the resulting eges will never grow and are sosmall that they don't affect crops.